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Announcements | 22 Sep 2016
The Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, and the Co-Chairs of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, Dr Jackie Huggins and Mr Rod Little, today hosted Indigenous leaders at a forum to work through issues raised in the Redfern Statement. The forum with the 18 lead signatories of the Redfern Statement was an opportunity for all participants to engage with each other and the Minister in a spirit of goodwill to discuss ways to improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Announcements | 21 Sep 2016
The Digital Literacy School Grants are an initiative under the Inspiring all Australians in Digital Literacy and STEM measure of the National Innovation and Science Agenda. Grants of between $10,000 and $50,000 are available for schools and other organisations to encourage and facilitate implementation of the new Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. Grants will be awarded for project proposals that demonstrate innovative methods for driving enhanced digital literacy in schools. Grant proposals must:
Yarralin Remote School Attendance Team: L-R; Simon Campbell, Frances Rosas and Jasmin Campbell (SAO), with Jasmin’s daughter, Ameera.
Stories | 19 Sep 2016

School attendance rates in the remote Northern Territory community of Yarralin have increased thanks to some creative thinking by locals.

Warralong Fish Monitoring Project - Girls at Red Rock.
Announcements | 16 Sep 2016
The Science Pathways Project promotes science education in remote community schools through on-country projects linking Traditional Knowledge with Western science. It is part of the CSIRO Indigenous STEM Education program, supported by the BHP Billition Foundation, and runs in: WA: Warralong, Wiluna, Leonora, Punmu, Kunawariji, Parnngurr and Jigalong NT: of Utju/Areyonga, Watiyawanu/Mt Liebig and Ikuntji/Haasts Bluff
Announcements | 16 Sep 2016
Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, has today congratulated 29 First Australians for completing the Replay Group’s Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care course. Minister Scullion presented the participants with graduation certificates at a ceremony in Brisbane today and said it was particularly pleasing more than half of them were currently employed in child care centres. All of the graduates were employed for at least seven months in mainstream child care centres as part of their course.
Announcements | 15 Sep 2016
A report produced by the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations shows the combined income of the 500 top-earning Indigenous corporations registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 increased by 8.2 per cent in 2014–15. The report revealed the combined income grew to $1.88 billion, averaging out at $3.76 million per corporation. Total assets under management increased by 5.7 per cent to $2.22 billion.
Announcements | 15 Sep 2016
The Coalition Government has today introduced new measures into Parliament that will improve education outcomes for disadvantaged students – and in particular, Indigenous students. The amendments to the Higher Education Support Act 2003 will enable universities to tailor assistance so more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students graduate from university and take up professional and academic careers.
CEPOs building close relationship between communities and the police
Stories | 14 Sep 2016

In remote Northern Territory communities, Community Engagement Police Officers (CEPOs) like First Class Constable Shane Blanchard provide a vital link in the process of building close relationships between locals and the police.

Announcements | 13 Sep 2016
More than 100 indigenous social housing tenants in Wentworth and the surrounding areas have received free plumbing health checks under an annual NSW Fair Trading community-focused program. NSW Fair trading Commissioner Rod Stowe said the annual plumbing health checks program provides plumbing inspections and repairs for remote communities with limited access to licensed tradespeople.
Nolia Napangarti-Ward at work helping to preserve threatened species
Stories | 12 Sep 2016

Senior Western Desert traditional owner Nolia Napangarti-Ward is an expert in feral animal management and a source of advice for scientists and governments as she continues to care for her country around the remote community of Kiwirrkurra, Western Australia.
