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Charles Prouse, Sheena Graham (Head of Australian Government Delegation) and Bruce Martin pursuing the rights of Indigenous peoples not just in Australia, but around the world
Stories | 7 Oct 2016

Australian Indigenous community and organisation representatives recently travelled to Geneva, Switzerland to participate in a United Nations forum on the rights of the world’s Indigenous peoples.

Amata youth and leaders finding strength and re-connecting with their culture on country in the Musgrave Ranges
Stories | 6 Oct 2016

Over 20 participants in the Community Development Programme have contributed to a successful three day walk through the Musgrave Ranges. The 30 kilometre walk had a positive impact on the young men from the community of Amata as well as the Community Elders and Anangu Mentors who taught and bonded with them.

Announcements | 5 Oct 2016
The Coalition Government has reached its target of supporting 5000 job opportunities for First Australians through the Vocational Training and Employment Centre (VTEC) initiative. For highly disadvantaged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have gained employment through this initiative, these jobs are having a transformative effect – not only bringing financial security, but also helping to secure their future. Employment enables people to gain skills, to save for homes, to provide for their kids and to become strong community role models, both locally and around Australia.
Announcements | 4 Oct 2016
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander business excellence and leadership will be celebrated throughout October during the second annual Indigenous Business Month. The theme of Indigenous Business Month in 2016 is ‘Celebrating Leadership’. Indigenous Business Month is an initiative driven by the alumni of Melbourne Business School’s MURRA Indigenous Business Masterclass, who see business as a way of providing positive role models for young Indigenous Australians and improving quality of life in Indigenous communities.
Dr Peta Miller (Safe Work Australia), Paul Augustin and Thomas Amagula (Dhimurru Aboriginal Corporation) at the Safety in Action conference in Sydney
Stories | 30 Sep 2016

The Dhimurru Rangers of eastern Arnhem Land manage a beautiful yet dangerous land and seascape and in order to remain healthy and safe, have devised Work Health and Safety practices which include the Yolgnu concepts of Raypirri, Djaka and Ralpa.

Balarinji and the Sydney Opera House combining to honour Australia’s paralympians and ancient heritage.
Stories | 29 Sep 2016

Aboriginal design company Balarinji worked closely with the Australian Paralympic Committee to produce uniforms which united and inspired Australia’s 2016 Rio Paralympics Team.

Announcements | 27 Sep 2016
For the 20th consecutive year, the Australian Government has delivered infrastructure, vocational skills training and health care to a remote Indigenous community through the Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Programme (AACAP).
Announcements | 27 Sep 2016
Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, has acknowledged the service of Mr Lesley Turner following the announcement that he is standing down as Chief Executive Officer of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council. Minister Scullion said Mr Turner had played an important role in ensuring that the NSW Aboriginal Land Council supported and advocated for the interests of Indigenous people in NSW. “Mr Turner has provided strong leadership for the organisation, which with more than 23,000 members, is the largest Indigenous representative body in Australia,” Minister Scullion said.
Some of Wadeye’s future leaders in Sydney meeting Vic Simms, singer songwriter and traditional owner of La Perouse
Stories | 27 Sep 2016

Youth in Wadeye, Northern Territory are excited about their future prospects thanks to a youth leadership program that benefits the community through training role models and future leaders.

Melvin Malbunka, Chairperson of the Mount Liebig Local Authority (third from left) and Essential Services Operator Jeffrey Wheeler (second from right) with MacDonnell Regional Council staff celebrating Mt Liebig being awarded the inaugural Special Commend
Stories | 23 Sep 2016

Remote Mount Liebig community in central Australia was awarded a Special Commendation in the Australian Tidy Towns competition.
