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Indigenous man in warehouse wearing suit.
Stories | 28 Oct 2016

Indigenous office supplies business Kulbardi is providing the Commonwealth government with office and workwear supplies under the Indigenous Procurement Policy.

Announcements | 28 Oct 2016

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, has today paid tribute to Mr Charlie Perkins, who on this day 50 years ago became the first Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Australian to graduate from an Australian university.

Mr Perkins graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Sydney on 27 October, 1966.

Announcements | 27 Oct 2016

Joint Media Release
Attorney-General, Senator the Hon. George Brandis QC

Today I announce that I will ask the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) to examine the factors leading to the over representation of Indigenous Australians in our prison system, and consider what reforms to the law could ameliorate this national tragedy.

Children’s Day
Stories | 25 Oct 2016

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day gives all Australians a chance to celebrate the important part children play in the make-up of this country now, and in our future, as well as those who support and nurture them.

Announcements | 25 Oct 2016

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, today welcomed the Yarrangi Riwi Yoowarni Gooniyandi native title determination for the Kimberley region of Western Australia, delivered at a hearing of the Federal Court of Australia in Perth.

“The people of Yarrangi Riwi Yoowarni Gooniyandi have a deep connection to their country, caring for traditional and sacred sites and passing on stories and knowledge of country to their children and grandchildren,” Minister Scullion said.

Announcements | 24 Oct 2016

The Coalition Government has written to all state and territory governments offering

Announcements | 20 Oct 2016

The Coalition Government will provide the Stars Foundation with almost $2 million to deliver intensive school-based mentoring programmes to Indigenous girls and young women across the Northern Territory.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said the investment would help 450 Indigenous girls and young women to reach their potential at school and beyond.

“A positive experience at school and a smooth transition to work or further study helps young women to reach their potential later in life,” Minister Scullion said.

Crocodile Islands Ranger and Cultural Advisor George Milaypuma showing Junior Rangers how to make bush string.
Stories | 20 Oct 2016

Landcare champions, the Crocodile Islands Rangers have developed a strong relationship with Traditional Owners and the community of Milingimbi to keep the culture strong, engage the community in weed and pest management, and create a sanctuary for important bird species and turtles.

Announcements | 20 Oct 2016

The Coalition Government has acted decisively to deliver certainty to students at Kormilda College in Darwin by agreeing to provide financial support to keep the school open through 2017.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said that based on what was known of Kormilda College’s financial position, the Government had set aside sufficient funding through the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) to ensure the college remained open next year.

Announcements | 19 Oct 2016

A case study report produced by the O’Brien Rich Research Group that focused on six Remote School Attendance Strategy (RSAS) schools found that the strategy’s adaptability was a key to its success.

The report, which focused on sites in the Northern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia, found that communities were able to adapt the Australian Government strategy to suit local conditions.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said the report highlighted the ways the RSAS was helping to improve school attendance.
