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Digital Literacy School Grants (DLSG)

21 Sep 2016
The Digital Literacy School Grants are an initiative under the Inspiring all Australians in Digital Literacy and STEM measure of the National Innovation and Science Agenda. Grants of between $10,000 and $50,000 are available for schools and other organisations to encourage and facilitate implementation of the new Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. Grants will be awarded for project proposals that demonstrate innovative methods for driving enhanced digital literacy in schools. Grant proposals must: Focus on school−based activities or programs that support school leaders and teachers to understand and implement the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies on a whole of school basis, and/or Engage students with the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. Examples of projects could include: Partnership models whereby a school partners with one or more schools to exchange best practice, ideas and innovation Partnerships between a school (or schools) with industry to access professional expertise and/or equipment to implement the Digital Technologies curriculum Leveraging off existing facilities to establish cross−curricular 'creation/fabrication' spaces including 3D printers, laser cutters and the like Supporting professional development for principals and school leaders to become ICT champions through facilitated learning and/or other training methods to transfer their learnings to other teachers. Application process Applications for the first round of project funding have now opened (Monday 19 September 2016) and will close at 5 pm (Canberra local time) on Friday 28 October 2016. Timing for the second round of project funding will be published on the Department of Education and Training’s website in the first half of 2017. All DLSG processes will be undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Commonwealth Grant Rules and Guidelines – July 2014 (CGRGs). The CGRGs can be found at For more information, including eligibility requirements, please see the DLSG Grant Guidelines. To apply please download the Grant Application Form and email your submission to Frequently asked questions (FAQs ) are available for the Digital Literacy Schools Grants initiative.

Find out more

You can find out more on the Department of Education and Training website.

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