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Anglicare’s community services manager, Kristy Daley
Stories | 13 Jan 2016

Anglicare’s Youth at Risk program is helping Aboriginal youth in Wagga Wagga develop life goals leading to a stable and more secure future.

Amarina Smith receives her New Colombo Plan Award from the Governor-General, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) and Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon Julie Bishop MP
Stories | 11 Jan 2016

Amarina Smith from Griffith University has received a scholarship to live, study and intern in Hong Kong. Amarina is the first Indigenous student to be named a New Colombo Plan Fellow. 

Young Tiwi Island woman in purple dress and headdress standing in front of a palm tree.
Stories | 7 Jan 2016

Casimira Tipiloura is the first Tiwi student to graduate from a Tiwi Islands high school with an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

Caring for country (c) Lisa Roeger, 2012
Announcements | 1 Jan 2016
The Working on Country Photography Competition showcases the important work of Indigenous ranger and Indigenous Protected Area groups by inviting them to share their stories visually. This year there were more than 250 entries, with the images crafting a vivid story about Indigenous land and sea management. 40 photographs have been shortlisted, and you can vote for your favourite photograph as part of the People's Choice award. The photographs will be displayed at the Australian National Botanic Gardens from 15 June - 10 July.
The Wadeye RSAS team with PNG visitors and BIITE staff
Stories | 22 Dec 2015

In Wadeye, local Remote School Attendance Strategy (RSAS) team members, known as “Yellow Shirts”, are working hard to increase school attendance. They recently gained a new provider, BIITE and played host to members of the Royal Papua New Guinea Police Force, and the groups exchanged stories of school attendance issues in Papua New Guinea and Wadeye.  

Image of Tumut locals gathered together at the White Ribbon Day event
Stories | 18 Dec 2015

The community of Tumut recently gathered at the local White Ribbon Day lunch in order to take a stand against domestic violence.

Beswick artists Peter Lindsay and Bruce Hall in front of a mural they created for Beswick’s new store
Stories | 17 Dec 2015

The new community store at Beswick, Northern Territory has created local jobs, including for artists who painted a mural on the store.  

Rekisha Morrison's winning design in the Minister’s Christmas card design competition
Stories | 16 Dec 2015

Congratulations to twelve year-old Rekisha Morrison, the winner of this year’s Christmas card design competition held by the Minister for Indigenous Affairs Nigel Scullion.

Five Indigenous men in front of a water tank
Stories | 15 Dec 2015

Indigenous Protected Areas, the ‘backbone’ for long term job creation in the remote Western Desert.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, with trainee Lakota Coleman, Lakota’s manager Hanan Etri, and Regional Operations Manager Allison Baker at NAB Parramatta.
Stories | 10 Dec 2015

School-based traineeships are providing students with quicker pathways to fulltime employment by allowing them to complete their training while they’re still at school.
