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Two Indigenous men working on a landscaping project
Stories | 27 Jan 2017

CDP participants landscaping the existing boat club as part of the Thursday Island Boat Club project.

Announcements | 27 Jan 2017

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, has urged parents in remote communities to ensure their children are ready for the start of the new school year.

“Children in remote communities in the Northern Territory, New South Wales, Western Australia and South Australia are set to return to school next week,” Minister Scullion said.

“We all want the very best for our children and we know a good education is a key to giving them the best start in life.

A group of young Indigenous women and their female supervisor standing near a body of water and trees.
Stories | 24 Jan 2017
A group of schoolgirls from the remote Northern Territory community of Ngukurr travelled to Darwin recently to explore future academic opportunities. The students visited several boarding schools, Charles Darwin University (CDU) and Government House, and met with local Aboriginal women who spoke about their own experiences working towards successful careers and being role models for young women in their own communities.
Announcements | 23 Jan 2017

The Coalition Government’s Critical Response Service, successfully trialled in Western Australia over the past year, will be expanded into the Northern Territory and South Australia in 2017 as part of a national roll out of the initiative.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, who announced the expansion of the initiative in Groote Eylandt today, said the Government was investing $10 million over three years to roll out the service nationally. It will be progressively expanded into jurisdictions beyond WA, SA and the NT from 2018.

Announcements | 21 Jan 2017

The Australian Government has paid tribute to Mr Jerry Stephen Snr, a distinguished Torres Strait Islander war veteran who passed away last month. Mr Stephen Snr was believed to be the oldest surviving Torres Strait Islander veteran from World War II.

Indigenous young man dressed in ranger clothing standing near tree with body of water and hills in the background.
Stories | 19 Jan 2017
The Gunggandji Aboriginal Corporation run the Gunggandji Rangers around Yarrabah in northern Queensland and are keeping their country healthy and their connection to country strong.
A group of seven men at a construction site, wearing high-vis vests and hard hats.
Stories | 17 Jan 2017

The Wirrpanda Foundation is mentoring Indigenous job seekers and placing them in meaningful long-term employment in the construction and mining industry.

Announcements | 17 Jan 2017
  • Two new dams will be built as part of the APY Lands Main Access Road Upgrade project
  • Water from the dams will be used during the second stage of construction works between Double Tank and Mimili
  • The upgrade will also improve living standards for the local Anangu community through improved water security

Regional Anangu Services Aboriginal Corporation has started work on a $245,000 contract to build two new dams between Mimili and Fregon in South Australia.

Announcements | 13 Jan 2017

Aboriginal people across the Northern Territory will benefit from $8 million worth of projects to be supported through the latest Aboriginals Benefit Account (ABA) funding round.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said 27 organisations would be funded to deliver 30 one-off projects.

“The organisations that will receive funding this year primarily focus on supporting Indigenous enterprises, growing Indigenous employment and improving community infrastructure,” Minister Scullion said.

A large group of Aboriginal people standing out the front of a large shed.
Stories | 10 Jan 2017
Forty years ago, the remote community of Galiwin’ku exported fruit and vegetables, furniture, crocodile skins, fish and timber. Local industry has declined over the years but community members are showing the entrepreneurial spirit of their grandparents and are using the Community Development Programme (CDP) to relaunch some of these industries.
