Western Desert Dialysis Award Finalist
StoryAccess to dialysis can be difficult for many Australians but for those who live in remote communities, it is almost impossible. The closest centre can be up to 1000 kilometres away.
Helping communities direct their own futures
StoryAcross Australia, Indigenous organisations are often the lifeblood of their communities, providing vital services and employment for locals. So it’s crucial they are well run and their management understands the opportunities and risks they may face.
Newslines Radio: Indigenous Governance Awards recognise inspiring leaders
StoryNewslines speaks to the leaders of some of Australia’s most successful Indigenous organisations about the importance of good governance at the 2012 Indigenous Governance Awards.
Exploring cultural richness: The AIATSIS Dictionaries Project preserves First Nations languages
StoryAcross Australia, from Dhurga (south-east coast, NSW) to Warlpiri (Yuendumu, NT) to Gija (East Kimberley), languages are being strengthened by the publication of First Nations dictionaries. The AIATSIS Dictionaries project has seen an explosion of nearly 20 dictionaries published in the last few years.
Languages: Keeping culture alive
StoryAcross the remote communities of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) and Maralinga Tjarutja (MT) Lands, an intergenerational cultural transmission project is under way to save languages and stories from dying out.