Going Green in Ramingining
StoryThe Ramingining Hydroponic Greenhouse is creating an opportunity for locals to gain part time employment from the sale of produce and to learn about new methods of sustainable green farming using technology.
Trip to Darwin broadens education opportunities for young Ngukurr women
StoryA group of schoolgirls from the remote Northern Territory community of Ngukurr travelled to Darwin recently to explore future academic opportunities. The students visited several boarding schools, Charles Darwin University (CDU) and Government House, and met with local Aboriginal women who spoke about their own experiences working towards successful careers and being role models for young women in their own communities.
Renovating the Thursday Island Boat Club
StoryCDP participants landscaping the existing boat club as part of the Thursday Island Boat Club project.
Gunggandji Rangers keeping traditional lands healthy
StoryThe Gunggandji Aboriginal Corporation run the Gunggandji Rangers around Yarrabah in northern Queensland and are keeping their country healthy and their connection to country strong.
Training with the Wirrpanda Foundation is linking WA employers and job-seekers
StoryThe Wirrpanda Foundation is mentoring Indigenous job seekers and placing them in meaningful long-term employment in the construction and mining industry.