Training with the Wirrpanda Foundation is linking WA employers and job-seekers
The Wirrpanda Foundation is mentoring Indigenous job seekers and placing them in meaningful long-term employment in the construction and mining industry.
The Wirrpanda Foundation in Western Australia is successfully linking employers in the resource sector with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander job seekers.
Manager Jarrad Oakley-Nicholls said the Wirrpanda Vocational Training Employment Centre (VTEC) works with local Aboriginal communities and their leaders to connect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander job seekers to guaranteed jobs in the construction and mining industry.
“It’s about engaging with the community and building those strong relationships with each individual participant that comes through our door,” Jarrad said.
“Really helping them along their journey and setting out a pathway plan for them to know exactly where they’re at and where they’ve been and helping them along that journey.”
With strong links in the community and individual support for training participants Wirrpanda is able to keep people in training programs.
They also assist a large number of Indigenous job-seekers overcome barriers that may be preventing them from gaining employment.
“We’re working with people that may have drug and alcohol issues or mental health issues, so we’re supporting them in those areas too,” Jarrad said.
“It’s not just the success of getting the employment outcomes; it’s also the success of getting people back on the right track for their life and their family.”
“There’s no training for training’s sake, and it really eliminates that from the VTEC model because of the commitment we get from employers,” Jarrad said.
“It’s getting the employers to commit to what sort of jobs they’ve got, what opportunities they can provide to Indigenous job-seekers, and really working it backwards.”
“So finding those jobs, and sitting down with our participants and building a strong relationship with them so we’re able to put the right people forward for the right jobs.”
Just one of 24 VTECs around Australia, Wirrpanda has placed and mentored 200 Indigenous job seekers into long term employment, working closely with employers to match job-seekers, skills and training to work.
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Having a job helps people build the future they want for their families and their communities. Creating better job opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians is a key priority of the Australian Government.
The Wirrpanda Foundation aims to improve the quality of life for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians through supporting their education, employment and health.