Tailored Assistance Employment Grants (TAEG) are changing – here’s what you need to know
News articleThere are changes to the way applications are assessed as part of the Tailored Assistance Employment Grants (TAEG) process. The benefits of this will be to: help balance access to support across Australia that will...
Subsidies for remote jobs extended
News articleThe Australian Government is extending access to the 1,000 Jobs Package to 30 June 2023, allowing employers in remote Australia more time to expand their businesses and take on new staff.
Further Support for Essential Indigenous Services
News articleThe Morrison Government has today announced more than $1.96 million to further support Indigenous businesses, service providers and communities adjust to new ways of working and start recovering from the impacts of COVID-19.
Extension of suspension of mutual obligation requirements for Western Australian regions affected by ex-cyclone Seroja
News articleThe Australian Government has extended the suspension of mutual obligation requirements for job seekers in regions affected by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seroja.
Indigenous youth advocate for greater participation in the Census
News articleAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people are leading the conversation about the importance of Indigenous Australians participating in the next Census.