Further Support for Essential Indigenous Services

The Morrison Government has today announced more than $1.96 million to further support Indigenous businesses, service providers and communities adjust to new ways of working and start recovering from the impacts of COVID-19.
Media Release
The Hon Ken Wyatt AM MP, Minister for Indigenous Australians
The Morrison Government has today announced more than $1.96 million to further support Indigenous businesses, service providers and communities adjust to new ways of working and start recovering from the impacts of COVID-19.
Community legal services, social and emotional wellbeing and mental health first aid services are all receiving additional funding to meet increased need.
Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, said the initiatives are an extension of the Boosting Essential Services funding announced last year.
“The Morrison Government has backed Australian businesses and service providers through a range of measures to sustain them during this pandemic,” Minister Wyatt said.
“But we can’t stay static as the situation evolves, moving to vaccine roll out and recovery. We have remained in contact with Indigenous businesses and communities to understand what they need to recover and make sure vulnerable people continue to have the support they need.
“Many businesses who deliver crucial services to Indigenous communities have been stretched and that’s why we are delivering additional targeted funding to help them address immediate needs that have developed as a result of the pandemic.
“The funding is supporting existing partners under the Indigenous Advancement Strategy and will allow service providers to employ more staff, implement new online tools, and adjust programs to continue to support the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in 2021 and beyond.”
The measures include:
- $70,200 to Worn Gundidj Aboriginal Co-operative Limited for the Empowered Families 2019-2022 Project to develop safety and wellbeing online inclusion group activities.
- $115,000 to Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc. (VACCHO) for youth mental health first aid training.
- $70,000 to Gunditjmara Aboriginal Co-operative Limited to offer greater social and emotional wellbeing services in Western Victoria.
- $40,000 to Illawarra Aboriginal Health Service for home care and community support and care.
- $80,000 to the South Coast Women’s Health and Welfare Aboriginal Corporation (Waminda) to reduce harmful substance use through prevention, education programs and rehabilitation.
- $63,668 to Kinchela Boys Home Aboriginal Corporation to mitigate the effects of social isolation and help people attend to the day-to-day appointments.
- $230,000 to Gunida Gunyah Aboriginal Corporation to expand the Warranggal Dhiyan program, offering specialist domestic and family violence services.
- $100,000 to the Shire of Halls Creek for youth diversion activities for the increased number of people returning to the community.
- $121,200 to Yura Yungi Aboriginal Medical Service for additional counsellors in the Ringer Soak, Warmun, Billiluna and Balgo region.
- $350,000 to Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Limited to move a number of learning programs online.
- $53,330 to Danila Dilba Biluru Butji Binnilutlum Health Service Aboriginal Corporation for the distribution of hygiene packs to vulnerable clients.
- $100,000 to Sunrise Health Service Aboriginal Corporation to improve the safety for workers and clients during outreach visits.
- $32,700 to Mabunji Aboriginal Resource Indigenous Corporation to ensure women’s safe houses have robust response plans.
- $90,000 to Katherine West Health Board Aboriginal Corporation for a mobile clinic that meets specific men’s needs in a COVID-safe way.
- $130,000 to Larrakia Nation Aboriginal Corporation for a return to country patrol team that helps people return safely to their homes.
- $118,930 to Kurbingui Youth Development Limited to support families who require emergency assistance.
- $200,000 to The Salvation Army (Queensland) for further alcohol and other drug treatment services in Mount Isa.
Find out more
Visit the Minister's website to read the original media release.