Extension of suspension of mutual obligation requirements for Western Australian regions affected by ex-cyclone Seroja

The Australian Government has extended the suspension of mutual obligation requirements for job seekers in regions affected by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seroja.
Joint Media Release
The Hon Ken Wyatt AM MP
Minister for Indigenous Australians
The Hon Stuart Robert MP
Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business
Senator the Hon Anne Ruston
Minister for Families and Social Services
The Australian Government has extended the suspension of mutual obligation requirements for job seekers in regions affected by Ex-Tropical Cyclone Seroja.
This includes the Greater Geraldton Local Government Area (LGA) and in the Community Development Program region of Mid-West/West Western Australia.
The suspension will now be in place until Tuesday, 4 May 2021.
No job seeker in the affected LGA or Community Development Program region will face payment suspension or financial penalties for failing to meet their mutual obligation requirements, such as not being able to attend appointments or activities.
Job seekers are encouraged to remain connected to employment services, where possible, to ensure they receive support to access the full range of available assistance, including mental health services, if required.
These arrangements will apply to job seekers in jobactive, Online Employment Services, Disability Employment Services and participants in ParentsNext and the Community Development Program.
The Government will continue to closely monitor the situation in Western Australia as it looks to rebuild and recover.
More information about mutual obligation requirements for jobactive, Online Employment Services, and participants of ParentsNext can be found at www.dese.gov.au/covid-19/job-seekers
Find out more
Visit the Minister's website to view the original media release.