Tailored Assistance Employment Grants (TAEG) are changing – here’s what you need to know
06 May 2021

There are changes to the way applications are assessed as part of the Tailored Assistance Employment Grants (TAEG) process.
The benefits of this will be to:
- help balance access to support across Australia that will connect more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with sustainable jobs.
- enable the grants to target specific employment needs, for example to support the COVID-19 economic recovery, or to help specific communities or sectors.
- allow for the prioritisation of projects that can deliver the best outcomes for Indigenous job seekers per dollar of investment.
Current funding agreements will not be affected by these changes.
Key changes:
- On 4 May 2021, the current process of accepting initial proposals for the current non-competitive grant round closed.
- On 5 May 2021, the current non-competitive grant round closed for new applications.
- From 6 May 2021 to 10 June 2021, TAEG applications will be accepted as part of a new open competitive funding round. Applications received in this round will be considered on their merits, priorities of the National Indigenous Australians Agency and the strength of other applications received through the funding round.
Find out more
For more information on TAEG and the changes, visit the Tailored Assistance Employment Grants webpage.