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Myra Gorey from the Akeyulerre Healing Centre with some of their healing products.
Stories | 11 Dec 2012

This week Newslines Radio looks at an organisation in Alice Springs that is helping to close the gap in indigenous disadvantage for local elders.

Diploma of Interpreting graduate Derek Hunt, NT.
Stories | 10 Dec 2012

Derek Hunt, a Yolngu man from Elcho Island, made history recently when he became the first person to graduate with a Diploma of Interpreting from the Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education.

Stories | 6 Dec 2012

Leadership can be a challenge for most people, and for somebody living with disability it can be even harder. But with help from the right people, the participants of the Leaders for Tomorrow program have discovered anything is possible.

International Day of People With Disability Patron, Aaron Pedersen.
Stories | 4 Dec 2012

In recognition of International Day of People with Disability (I-Day) on 3 December, today’s Newslines Radio program looks at the importance of celebrating the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability.

Proud home owners Lee and Graeme Willis from Alice Springs at their Subway restaurant franchise.
Stories | 29 Nov 2012

We look at how the Australian dream of owning your own home can become a reality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Stories | 27 Nov 2012

We look at how the Australian dream of owning your own home can become a reality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Stories | 26 Nov 2012

The enthusiastic Indigenous Painting Team in Galiwin’ku, Arnhem Land, awake early each morning and put on their brightly coloured uniforms, eager to continue their work painting houses in the community’s new housing subdivision.

The Children’s Services Support Unit in Wadeye, Northern Territory offers a safe place for women and children to seek refuge.
Stories | 20 Nov 2012

The National Homelessness Services Achievement Awards recognise the outstanding achievements and contributions that community organisations and services around Australia make to supporting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Vibe CEO Gavin Jones and singer Casey Donovan running the Wheel of Life, a trivia game about health and Indigenous culture, Goulburn, NSW.
Stories | 20 Nov 2012

The Wheel of Life was turning, basketballs were flying and students of all ages were strutting their stuff on the dance floor at last week's Vibe 3on3 Hip Hop and Basketball Challenge in Goulburn, New South Wales.

Stories | 19 Nov 2012

Twenty disadvantaged Indigenous job seekers have gained basic skills to re-enter the workforce after completing Ngarda’s Work Start Basics Residential Project, commissioned by the Department Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR).
