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Announcements | 4 Jul 2014

Two new Australian Government-funded clinics in the rapidly growing South-East Queensland region will provide essential primary health care services to Indigenous Australians.

Announcements | 4 Jul 2014

In the lead-up to NAIDOC Week, Australia will see a new special 50 cent coin enter circulation to mark 50 years of ongoing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research and collection of information which has assisted our country in becoming more knowledgeable about its people and cultures.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott greets School Attendance Officers Miliyika Paddy and Roger Williams before their presentation to the Indigenous Advisory Council.
Stories | 3 Jul 2014

Seven Remote School Attendance Strategy team representatives visited Canberra earlier this month to take part in a leadership workshop and meet with the Prime Minister and his Indigenous Advisory Council.

Announcements | 3 Jul 2014

More than 4,000 Indigenous Australians are guaranteed jobs through an Australian Government initiative that has seen contracts signed with 17 new Vocational Training and Employment Centres (VTECs) across the country, in addition to four VTECs already announced.

Announcements | 2 Jul 2014
The ABC has launched a trial of an Indigenous language news service in the Northern Territory providing daily radio news bulletins in two Aboriginal languages, Warlpiri and Yolngu Matha, over a 12 month period.
Announcements | 26 Jun 2014

The Australian Government is funding a project to help grow the Tobwabba Art Gallery.

Announcements | 25 Jun 2014
The Australian Government is taking another important step towards securing health equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Announcements | 25 Jun 2014
Five hundred families have been helped into new housing in remote Queensland under the National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing (NPARIH).
Announcements | 24 Jun 2014

At the last election I committed to spending one week every year in a remote Indigenous community to gain a better understanding of the needs of people living and working in those areas.

Announcements | 24 Jun 2014
Indigenous survivors of child sexual abuse will soon have access to specialised support services with a $350,000 Australian Government Investment in Link-Up Queensland Aboriginal Corporation.
