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Stories | 27 Oct 2015

The Commonwealth Government’s Indigenous Procurement Policy is creating new opportunities for small and medium Indigenous enterprises to participate in government business.

Announcements | 26 Oct 2015

The Central Australia communities of Arlparra and Yuendumu formally had their new Police Stations opened today.

Announcements | 26 Oct 2015

A ceremony has been held at Mutitjulu today to mark the 30th anniversary of Uluru-Kata Tjuta being handed back to the Anangu people.

Announcements | 23 Oct 2015

The Australian Government is calling for people to have their say as it revises the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) Guidelines.

A series of forums are being held with service providers and community members across the country to discuss how the guidelines can be improved to ensure everyone can make the most of the opportunities the IAS offers.

Forums are currently scheduled in the following locations beginning in Melbourne on 28 October 2015 and running through until mid-November:

Event | 17 Nov 2015
North Wollongong NSW

The Getting Ready Together conference will bring professionals, community organisations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who currently access disability support services, their family members and carers together to prepare for the introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).


Announcements | 22 Oct 2015

Chair of the Close the Gap Campaign Mick Gooda has welcomed the launch of the Australian Government’s Implementation Plan for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013–2023.

Announcements | 22 Oct 2015

A new online service has been launched today to connect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations to independent company directors.

Woman standing in front of poster with displayed words, Talking Together
Stories | 22 Oct 2015

Aboriginal organisations are vital for the wellbeing of communities, both for the services they deliver and the employment they provide for locals. So, the recent Aboriginal Governance and Management Program (AGMP) forum for NT Aboriginal organisation CEOs was an important step towards ensuring Aboriginal organisations, and the communities they serve, remain strong.

Announcements | 22 Oct 2015

The National Health Leadership Forum (NHLF) welcomes the launch of the Australian Government’s Implementation Plan for the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013–2023.

Announcements | 22 Oct 2015

Minister for Rural Health Fiona Nash has launched an Implementation Plan to help Close the Gap by improving the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
