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Minister Scullion: Police stations officially open for Central Australian communities

26 Oct 2015

The Central Australia communities of Arlparra and Yuendumu formally had their new Police Stations opened today.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said the Commonwealth contributed $20 million to build the new stations.

“Both stations will play a vital role in keeping the communities of Arlparra and Yuendumu safe, one of the Federal Government’s top priorities,” Minister Scullion said.

The work completed on both Police Stations encompassed a new station including custodial facilities, reception, office and multi-function room, three houses to accommodate police officers, four visiting officers’ quarters, a storage shed and communications tower.

NT Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services Peter Chandler said today’s openings signify important progress for regional policing as both Arlparra and Yuendumu are now equipped with similar state-of-the-art facilities to their metropolitan counterparts.

“The new stations and the progressive facilities and resources they provide, ensures our officers are best prepared to uphold the safety and security of community members,” Mr Chandler said.

“Community members should be very satisfied with these stations and be assured the committed policing staff members will continue to work hard to keep their community safe.”

Local Member for Stuart Bess Price said it's great to have a brand new police station in a remote community that will also be able to service nearby communities like Nyirrpi, Willowra, Yuelumu.

“The communities have been asking for more police and this facility will provide that resource,” Mrs Price said.

Both stations were constructed under the Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory National Partnership Agreement funded by the Commonwealth.

Find out more

Visit the Minister's website to view this media release.

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