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Winners announced for the 2023 Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards

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2023 Telstra Art Award winner Keith Wikmunea, standing in front of his winning entry. Photographer: Charlie Bliss.
14 Aug 2023
The Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT) has announced the 2023 Telstra National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art Awards (Telstra NATSIAA) winners.
Keith Wikmunea, a Thu’ Apalech man and artist from Aurukun in Queensland, is the winner of the prestigious 2023 Telstra Art Award valued at $100,000 for his sculptural piece titled Ku’, Theewith & Kalampang: The White Cockatoo, Galah and the wandering Dog 2023.
The scale and presence of Ku’, Theewith & Kalampang: The White Cockatoo, Galah and the wandering Dog reveals a master carver at work. The ceremonial dots on the tree are identifiable with Western Cape York, with the totem birds above always nearby. The piece is a joyful celebration and observation of life and represents a strong connection to Country and his totem.
'I was with my family when my manager called and gave me the good news about winning,' Mr Wikmunea said. 'We all got really excited. It means a lot to me and my family to be sharing our culture with the rest of Australia.'
Keith Wikmunea was born in 1967 and lives in Aurukun in far North Queensland, facing west in the Gulf of Carpentaria. He is from the language group Wik-Alkan (mother’s side) and Wik-Mungkan (father’s side). His totems are the white cockatoo and goanna from his father’s side and the galah and frilled-neck lizard from his mother’s side. His Country is Kencherang (father’s side), which is north of Aurukun.
Mr Wikmunea said that Ku’, Theewith & Kalampang: The White Cockatoo, Galah and the wandering Dog is a sculpture 'that represents who I am as a Thu’ Apalech man from the Cape York Peninsula'.
'The colours on this tree are specific to my clan, the Thu’ Apalech people,' he explained. 'In Wik-Mungkan, my first spoken language, we call this tree yuk thanchal. This tree is also known as milkywood [sic] in English and is the same tree that my ancestors have been using since the beginning of time to create their artefacts. My Puulwuy [father’s totem] and my Kathwuy [mother’s totem] are represented here too.'
MAGNT Director Adam Worrall said that, over the past 40 years, Telstra NATSIAA has 'provided a snapshot' of the artworks being created around the country.
'Congratulations to Keith Wikmunea for winning the Telstra Art Award,' Mr Worrall said. 'He is truly a master carver and I am awed with the might of his work and its celebration of his culture as a Thu’ Apalech man from the Cape York Peninsula.'
'I extend my warmest congratulations to all the selected finalists and category winners for the 2023 Telstra NATSIAA. I am filled with immense pride and excitement for the remarkable journey that NATSIAA has undertaken over the past four decades. I express my deepest gratitude to the individuals and communities who have contributed to the Awards and their success.'
Telstra CEO Vicki Brady said the Telstra NATSIAA winners and finalists have delivered an exhibition of artwork 'rich in storytelling that is inspiring, thought provoking, and heart-warming'.
“Congratulations to Keith Wikmunea on his wonderful sculpture that connects us with his country in Aurukun, Far North Queensland, and to all the 2023 Telstra NATSIAA winners,' Ms Brady said. 'Every year these awards celebrate and recognise the incredible talent of First Nations artists and this year is no different.'
Telstra NATSIAA is Australia’s longest running and most prestigious Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art award.
This year, 63 finalists from across Australia were selected from a total of 246 entries. These artists, along with many others, have showcased the diversity, talent and cultural richness of the Indigenous art community that continues to shape Australia's cultural landscape.
Winners of the Telstra NATSIAA win a share in the richest Aboriginal art awards in Australia; the prize money for the major Telstra Art Award is $100,000 and each of the category awards receives $15,000.
The 2023 category award winners are:
Telstra General Painting Award
Julie Nangala Robertson
Mina Mina 2022
Telstra Bark Painting Award
Owen Yalandja
Ngalkodjek Yawkyawk 2023
Telstra Work on Paper Award
Brenda L Croft
blood/memory: Brenda & Christopher II (Gurindji/Malngin/Mudburra; Mara/Nandi/Njarrindjerri/Ritharrngu; Anglo-Australian/Chinese/German/Irish/Scottish) 2021 2022
Wandjuk Marika Memorial 3D Award (Sponsored by Telstra)
Anne Nginyangka Thompson
Anangu History 2023
Telstra Multimedia Award
Jimmy John Thaiday
Just Beneath the Surface 2023
Telstra Emerging Artist Award
Dhalmula Burarrwaŋa
wanha, dhika, nhawi? 2022
Telstra Work on Paper Award – Highly Commended
Balwaldja Wanapa Munuŋgurr
Exile 2023

Find out more

The public can view the 2023 Telstra NATSIAA winners between 12 August 2023 - 18 February 2024 at the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (MAGNT).

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