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National Indigenous Digital Excellence (IDX) Awards

29 Sep 2017
Redfern NSW

The inaugural national Indigenous Digital Excellence (IDX) Awards have been launched with a mission to uncover everyday digital excellence and inspire Indigenous entrepreneurs, businesses and young people.

To be held at the National Centre for Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) on the 29 September 2017, the national awards will showcase IDX to corporate Australia.

The awards come on the back of an Australia-wide research project undertaken by NCIE in partnership with the Telstra Foundation to capture and build Indigenous digital excellence.

The project: A roadmap for building Indigenous Digital Excellence: Looking to 2030 brought together three years of consultation, experimentation and learning from Indigenous digital experts, organisations and communities across Australia, and was launched on 30 June 2016.

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Event Details

29 Sep 2017
202 George Street
Redfern NSW 2016

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