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ATO Reach Out Webinar Series: Introduction to business records

13 Oct 2021

Are you starting a new small business? Come along to this FREE introductory 60-minute session at 2pm AEDT 13 October. You will learn about which business records to keep, the legal requirements and how long to keep your records. This basic session also introduces you to the benefits of developing good record keeping habits as well as tools to help you manage your records.

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These webinars are being run by the Australian Tax Office’s Reach Out program which provides dedicated support for Indigenous small businesses.

Reach Out’s aim is to assist Indigenous small businesses with their tax and superannuation affairs through webinars, workshops and provide a point of contact for Indigenous small businesses if they have questions for the Tax Office.

These free interactive webinars are offered for Indigenous small business owners to yarn with Indigenous presenters from the ATO and learn more about their obligations, opportunities and to receive general tax advice.

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