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Strengthening Indigenous Leadership and Governance

18 Feb 2022

Media release - Minister Wyatt

The Morrison Government is today launching a $21.9 million Indigenous Leadership and Governance package to support the next generation of Indigenous leaders.

The Indigenous Leadership and Governance package includes:

  • $13.5 million for the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience (AIME) to continue its operations and implement a strategic plan for expansion to support young Indigenous Australians to undertake leadership roles, further education and employment;
  • $6.7 million for Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC) to develop governance training materials for Indigenous organisations; and
  • $1.7 million to the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) to provide scholarships for Indigenous Australians to undertake company directors’ courses, and to monitor and evaluate the entire package.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the $21.9 million investment would support thousands of Indigenous individuals and many organisations to realise their potential.

“Our $13.5 million investment in the Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience program will extend this successful program by three years to 2025 and expand its support to 10,000 students a year, up from the current 6,000 students a year,” the Prime Minister said.

“This will ensure even more young Indigenous Australians can realise their leadership potential and career dreams through this proven mentoring and skills development program, and become the next generation of leaders in business, community and the public sector.

“In addition, Indigenous businesses will be strengthened with a $6.7 million investment in governance, and we are providing $1.7 million to deliver scholarships for Indigenous Australians to undertake company director courses to provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with the skills to take their business to the next level or sit on the boards of our top companies.

“This is about maximising the burgeoning opportunities for Indigenous entrepreneurs and businesses, as well as the economic advancement of all Indigenous Australians. With the right supports and opportunities, even more Indigenous Australians will be able to launch from entry-level roles into higher-skilled and higher-paying technical, managerial and leadership careers.”

Minister for Indigenous Australians the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP said the package would help to realise the recently released National Roadmap on Indigenous Skills, Jobs and Wealth Creation.

“When I launched the Roadmap at the end of last year it was clear that we need to strengthen Indigenous leadership and governance capability across the nation,” Minister Wyatt said.

“This is about supporting the aspirations of Indigenous youth to dream big and thrive at no matter what they turn their minds to as well as providing the tools for all Indigenous businesses and business people to take the next step towards expansion or leadership roles.

“Since 2005, AIME, an Indigenous organisation, has supported more than 25,000 young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to further their education and kick-start their careers, with an average of 96.1 per cent of their participants attaining Year 12 and moving on to further education or employment.”

The recent Indigenous Australian Workforce Report delivered by Skills Australia confirmed that, on average, Indigenous people tend to work in high growth but lower skill level jobs.

“This funding will help turn that around, providing the launching pad Indigenous Australians need to develop leadership skills and network to support them on their journey,” Minister Wyatt said.

This package directly supports Priority Reforms Two and Three of Closing the Gap and contributes to the overarching aims of the Government’s Roadmap for Indigenous Skills, Jobs, and Wealth Creation.

Find out more

Visit the Minister's website to read the original media release.

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