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Minister Scullion: New store for Peppimenarti

17 Aug 2015

The community of Peppimenarti, south-west of Darwin, now has a new community store, funded by a $4.2 million grant from the Aboriginals Benefit Account (ABA).

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, congratulated the Peppimenarti community and Peppimenarti Store Indigenous Corporation for working with the contractor, Asbuild, to deliver the new store, which was officially opened by traditional owner Harold Wilson today.

“The Australian Government is investing in remote communities to ensure that people are able to access fresh, healthy food that will make a real difference for people’s health down the line,” Minister Scullion said.

Minister Scullion said he was pleased that 15 local Indigenous residents were employed to help construct the new store.

“Importantly, the commercial kitchen and retail operation provides ongoing employment opportunities for local workers,” Minister Scullion said.

 “The new purpose-built store at Peppimenarti incorporates contemporary glass door cool rooms with back-loading facilities and an efficient operating plant, a commercial-grade kitchen and a new aisle retail configuration to allow for an increased stock range and easier customer access to goods.

 “A large shed built next to the loading dock will also mean more dry goods can be stored onsite during the wet season when the community is cut off from the outside world for extended periods.”

“This investment will support the Peppimenarti Store Indigenous Corporation run an efficient and commercially-viable store that will make available a great range of healthy food options in the community.”

ABA Advisory Committee Chair, Patricia Brahim, said the new store was a great example of the benefits the ABA could deliver to people living in remote Indigenous communities in the Northern Territory.

“The new facility will allow residents of the Peppimenarti community to access a greater range of fresh and healthy food and provide meaningful jobs for local residents,” Ms Brahim said.

Find out more

Visit the Minister's website to view this media release.

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