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Minister Scullion: Native title recognised over Wulli Wulli country

13 Aug 2015

A 15-year native title claim has been finalised today with the Federal Court recognising over 5432 square kilometres of Wulli Wulli country west of Bundaberg, Queensland.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion said the recognition covered places such as the Upper Dawson River area around Theodore and Cracow, including Precipice and Isla Gorge National Parks.

"The claim was lodged in 2000 and today represents 15 years of hard work and sacrifice by the Wulli Wulli Elders, some of whom are unfortunately no longer with us," Minister Scullion said.

"It recognises the strong and continued connection of the Wulli Wulli People to their country and their native title rights under Australian law."

As part of the determination, the Wulli Wulli People have entered into Indigenous Land Use Agreements with various parties, including the Queensland Government, Ergon Energy, pastoral holders and shire councils.

Under these agreements, the Wulli Wulli People will be able to access and use some pastoral stations and National Parks while protecting their sacred sites.

The Wulli Wulli Nation Aboriginal Corporation Registered Native Title Body Corporate now holds the native title rights and benefits in trust for the Wulli Wullli People.

"It is my great hope that these Land Use Agreements and any future agreements will become foundations to build sustainable economic development for the prosperity and wellbeing of future generations of Wulli Wulli People," Minister Scullion said.

"This will ensure that Wulli Wulli People can continue their long-held relationship with the land and water as well as obtaining economic benefits that native title should bring."

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Visit the Minister's website to view this media release.

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