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Minister Scullion: More than 11,000 CDP jobs

16 Nov 2016

Job seekers have been placed into more than 11,000 jobs through the Coalition Government’s remote employment and community development service, the Community Development Programme (CDP), since July 2015.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said the CDP was getting job seekers off welfare and into work and breaking the cycle of welfare dependency in remote areas of Australia.

Minister Scullion today spoke at the CDP Provider Business Meeting in Brisbane about the progress being made on the ground.

“The latest figures show the CDP has placed job seekers into 11,249 jobs since the programme was introduced on 1 July 2015 – and over this period of time, more than 3600 placements have reached 26 weeks,” Minister Scullion said.

“It is expected the number of 26-week outcomes will continue to climb, which is a great result given we know that people who have been in a job for this length of time are more likely to remain in the workforce.

“CDP providers in remote Australia are running a variety of skill-building activities that are being embraced by locals who are keen to get a good job.

“This includes constructing community facilities, making crafts to sell at local markets and assisting local rangers with land care and pest management.

”It’s great to hear of activities where communities have benefited from job seekers learning carpentry skills and where green houses and gardens have been established that provide communities with fresh fruit and vegetables.

“Eighty-five per cent of eligible CDP job seekers are engaged in activities, up from 45 per cent at the end of the former Remote Jobs and Communities Programme.

“These achievements are the direct result of the Coalition Government listening to people who live in remote Australia, hearing that they do not want ‘sit down’ welfare and supporting them to meet their aspirations for their communities.

The announcement of the 11,249 CDP job placements follows the Coalition reaching its target of supporting 5000 job opportunities for First Australians through the Vocational Training and Employment Centre initiative.

Find out more about the Community Development Programme.

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To view this media release, visit Minister Scullion's website.

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