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Minister Scullion: Media employment for Indigenous people in Central Desert

8 Sep 2015

Seven Indigenous people will be employed in broadcasting local radio content in Indigenous language in the Central Desert Region.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said funding of $1,591,546 over 2 years has been made available through the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) grant round to Warlpiri Media Association Inc. for the employment and on-the-job training. The funding will also go to maintaining the technical infrastructure of the existing Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Services (RIBS) network.

“Through the employment for the 7 Indigenous people to work in radio broadcasting to communities through the existing 14 RIBS Network in the Central Desert Region, they will broadcast local and culturally appropriate content to their community,” Minister Scullion said.

“This is a tremendous win-win situation to employ local Indigenous people in their communities in the Central Desert region and broadcast news and media content in language.

“The other aim of the project, through broadcasting in local language, is to address and engage in constructive activities, education, information and communications, cultural preservation, and language retention,” Minister Scullion said.

Find out more

Visit the Minister's website to view this media release.

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