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Minister Scullion: Investing in economic opportunity for Innisfail

21 Oct 2014

The Australian Government is supporting local efforts to facilitate economic development for Indigenous people in Innisfail.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, and Queensland Senator Ian Macdonald, announced funding of $46,000 for the Mandubarra Aboriginal Land & Sea Incorporated to complete a draft feasibility study for an Indigenous Eco Tourism Business.

Minister Scullion said a key priority for the Government was to ensure as many Indigenous people as possible were involved in economic development, with the funding being provided by the Australian Government’s Jobs, Land and Economy Programme.

The Jobs, Land and Economy Programme funds a broad range of activities that assist Indigenous communities, industry bodies and employers to create jobs and industries for Indigenous people.

“These activities develop the Indigenous workforce and economic development that supports local and regional economic growth,” Minister Scullion said.

Senator Macdonald said the Government was pleased to continue to support the completion of the partial feasibility study.

“We are committed to building capacity and building communities in Northern Australia.

“The Abbott Government is showing that developing economic opportunity for Indigenous people in Innisfail is a priority,” Senator Macdonald said.

Find out more

Visit Minister Scullion's website to access this media release.

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