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Minister Scullion: Indigenous youth 'work' in Australia’s Parliament

25 Mar 2015

Forty nine Indigenous students from across Australia are in Canberra this week as a part of the Government’s commitment to increasing Indigenous employment in the Australian Public Service.

The Work Exposure with Government Programme brings high achieving Indigenous Year 11 and 12 students with an interest in public service to Canberra, where they learn about the work of the Australian Parliament and Australian Public Service.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs Nigel Scullion said the students will spend today in Parliament House where they will be hosted by a wide range of Members of Parliament and Senators, attend Question Time and meet the Prime Minister.

“There’s nothing like learning how government operates from firsthand experience,” Minister Scullion said.

“I am also very pleased to see there has been such bipartisan support from Members of Parliament and Senators to host the students in their offices.”

Minister Scullion said the programme reinforces that working in the public sector offers many different careers.

“The students will also spend time at the Australian Defence Force and Australian Federal Police as well as the Australian War Memorial, Questacon, National Museum of Australia, the Australian Institute of Sport and the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Studies (IATSIS).

“These visits will include information on the wide range of APS jobs available at these organisations.”

The programme is an important element in the Government’s commitment to halving the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous employment outcomes within a decade.”

Students are also provided with opportunities to meet influential and inspiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are working in the public sector to increase their network of contacts.

Importantly participants are provided with support for up to 12 months post visit, with information and advice on employment opportunities and pathways into government agencies.

“One of this year’s participants has her sights set on becoming the Prime Minister one day—that is the kind of ambition we want to see in all Indigenous students,” Minister Scullion said.

The 2015 Work Exposure with Government programme is developed in partnership with the Australian Indigenous Education Foundation (AIEF), Principles Australia and Indigenous company, Education Training Management Perspectives (ETMP).

Find out more

Visit Minister Scullion's website to view this media release.

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