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Minister Scullion: Excellence in Indigenous governance recognised

24 Nov 2016

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, has tonight congratulated the winners and finalists of the 2016 Indigenous Governance Awards.

Minister Scullion, who attended tonight’s annual awards ceremony in Sydney, praised Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation and Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly as winners in their respective categories, as well as all Indigenous organisations recognised for their governance.

Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation won the best Indigenous governance award in the category for incorporated organisations. The corporation is a community-controlled, not-for-profit organisation that provides dialysis treatment and support services to Indigenous patients from remote communities in Northern and Western Australia.

Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly took out the honour in the category for non-incorporated projects. The Assembly is the peak governance body for Indigenous people in western New South Wales. It is made up of representatives of the 16 Indigenous communities of the region, Murdi Paaki Aboriginal Young and Emerging Leaders and NSW Aboriginal Land Council councillors. The Coalition Government has provided almost $1.5 million through the Indigenous Advancement Strategy to support the Regional Assembly implement its Governance Project.

"I congratulate the two winning organisations for their strong levels of governance and the leadership they have shown. The governance of their organisations has set a benchmark for all Indigenous organisations to strive for," Minister Scullion said.

"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations are key players in delivering services to Indigenous communities across Australia. The Government’s Indigenous Advancement Strategy increased the percentage of funding provided to Indigenous organisations to 55 per cent under the 2014 Indigenous Advancement Strategy Grant Funding Round. Prior to this round, only 30 per cent of organisations funded were Indigenous corporations.

"And under the Coalition's Indigenous Procurement Policy, the Commonwealth has awarded more than 1500 contracts to almost 500 Indigenous businesses worth a total of $284.2 million – 46 times what Labor achieved in its last year of Government.

"The success of these organisations has made it all the more important that Indigenous organisations have solid organisational governance and management to deliver the best outcomes for First Australians."

The Indigenous Governance Awards is an opportunity to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations that have the highest governance levels and showcase their leadership in delivering positive outcomes for their communities.

Run by Reconciliation Australia in partnership with BHP Billiton, the Indigenous Governance Awards are in their 11th year.

Find out more

To view this media release, visit Minister Scullion's website.

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