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Minister Scullion: Brisbane artist wins NAIDOC Poster Competition

18 May 2015

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, has congratulated Brisbane graphic artist, Elaine Chambers, on being the 2015 National NAIDOC poster artist.

Ms Chambers called her artwork We all stand on Sacred Ground.

“Ms Chambers’ artwork was selected from more than 120 exceptional entries reflecting this year’s National NAIDOC theme – We all Stand on Sacred Ground – Learn, Respect and Celebrate.

“The artwork honours the history and richness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ connection with Country.”

Along with a $5,000 cash prize, Ms Chambers’ artwork will feature on the 2015 National NAIDOC poster which will be displayed in schools, workplaces and community organisations across Australia to promote NAIDOC Week 2015, held from 5-12 July.

Ms Chambers describes her artwork, which features four unique sets of feet, as representing the ages and colours of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

We all stand on Sacred Ground represents a strong spiritual and cultural connection to the land and the sea, the different people, from elders to the young, and the stories our elders shared,” she said.

The Australian Government is delivering more than $2 million this year to support the annual NAIDOC Week celebrations, including the National NAIDOC Awards and hundreds of local NAIDOC celebrations around the country.

Minister Scullion commends all of the talented artists who took part in this year’s competition.

To find out more about Elaine Chambers and her winning artwork and the National NAIDOC Awards, visit NAIDOC.

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Visit the Minister's website to view this media release.

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