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Minister Scullion: Acknowledging the passing of a Central Australian Elder

14 May 2015

I was saddened to hear of the death of Indigenous leader, Bob Randall, who passed away yesterday at his home in Mutitjulu in the Northern Territory.

A Yankunytjatjara man better known as Uncle Bob, he was a member of the Stolen Generation and removed from his home at the age of seven.

He went on to write the song My Brown Skin Baby They Take Him Away which became an unofficial anthem for many of the Stolen Generation.

The song also helped to bring to light the issue of forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families, an issue Uncle Bob was instrumental in bringing to the public’s consciousness.

Uncle Bob also became internationally renowned for his work on various films. He notably co-produced and narrated the documentary Kanyini that received a number of awards including the 2006 Discovery Channel, Best Documentary Award.

He continued to write throughout the later years of his life and grew an international reputation as a spiritual leader, presenting teachings based on the Anangu "Kanyini" principles of caring for the environment and each other.

Uncle Bob will be remembered as a teacher, musician, storyteller, activist and spiritual leader.

I offer my condolences to Dorethea and all his family.

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