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Minister Payne: Win-Win for Indigenous communities and department staff

1 Jun 2015

Staff from the Department of Human Services are taking their expertise to Indigenous communities, and working with local leaders to empower communities through the Jawun secondment programme.

Minister for Human Services Senator the Hon Marise Payne said National Reconciliation Week was a fitting time to recognise the benefits for both staff and the communities involved in the programme.

"This week celebrates the shared histories and experiences of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, to build relationships and promote reconciliation," Minister Payne said.

"These values are also at the heart of Jawun’s ethos, the organisation which co-ordinates the secondments, and they are evident in the individual department staff members who have taken part.

"The programme takes a unique approach. First Jawun works with Indigenous communities to identify projects, then Jawun sources people with the required expertise from partner organisations, such as my department, to assist the communities to make their projects a reality.

"The projects they have worked on range from developing and implementing business plans that build capability for small business owners, to strengthening governance and increasing revenue for community organisations."

"The department has talented staff members with diverse skillsets, so staff are well-equipped to contribute to the Indigenous communities they work with."

Minister Payne said 15 department staff members have participated in the programme since 2011, including two who are currently on placements in Western Australia.

"The majority of staff members who have taken part in the programme are based in metropolitan areas, and have travelled away from their homes and comfort zones to regional and remote areas for anywhere from five weeks to three and half months.

Minister Payne said the programme has had a positive impact on staff members.

"All secondees have returned to their roles in the department with a deeper cultural awareness of Indigenous Australia and one secondee is actually travelling with her family later this year to visit the community she worked with several years ago."

Minister Payne also said the department was preparing to launch its new Reconciliation Action Plan next week, which will outline a range of other initiatives to continue reconciliation efforts over the coming years.

"The plan has been awarded ‘Elevate’ status by Reconciliation Australia – the highest rating available – and demonstrates the ongoing work by my department to build positive relationships among all Australians."

Find out more

Visit the Minister's website to view this media release.

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