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Minister Nash: Coalition helps stamp out Indigenous smoking

1 Jun 2015

The Coalition Government’s redesigned Tackling Indigenous Smoking Programme will further reduce smoking in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Applications from organisations who worked under the previous programme are currently being sought for the new, results based programme. Organisations who are currently funded will have funding extended during the Approach to Market process.

The redesigned programme follows a University of Canberra review of the old programme. The new programme was based on the review and on discussion with experts on tobacco control in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. 

Assistant Minister for Health Fiona Nash said the redesigned programme focuses on results.

“Tobacco smoking is the most preventable cause of ill health and early death among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people,” Minister Nash said.

“Forty-four per cent of Indigenous Australians aged 15 years and over smoke; more than double the smoking rate of the general population and causes one in five Indigenous deaths.

“A more results focussed programme will help us reduce indigenous smoking rates.”

The new programme will build on the existing regional approach. Grant funding will be provided for regional activities that will reduce the number of people taking up smoking and encourage and support people to quit.

Grant funding will be provided for regional tobacco control activities, national support for workforce development, performance monitoring and evaluation, and leadership and coordination.

The redesigned programme will include a strong focus on accountability for delivering improvements in these areas.

Because local knowledge is always best, service providers will make decisions on how they tackle smoking in their region. New intensive tobacco control approaches will also be trialled through a number of pilot projects in communities with very high rates of smoking.

Funding will continue for enhancements to quit lines and training for frontline health and community workers who help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander smokers.

Find out more

Visit the  Minister's website to view this media release.

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