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Hear. Listen. Yarn: New listening and talking checks for bubs

16 Sep 2020

There are new tools available to help identify hearing and speech problems early in young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

Hearing is important to help children have a strong start to life. With good hearing, children can learn language and talking, listen to stories and learn at school.  

Hearing loss in Indigenous children is most commonly due to middle ear infection (or otitis media). These infections can be painless and frequently start in babies aged under 1. Because the signs are subtle, hearing loss in young children is often not picked up until they start school.

If undetected and left untreated, hearing loss and ear problems can affect a child’s learning and development, so it’s important to pick up any problems as early as possible.

Hearing Australia has co-developed the Parent-evaluated Listening and Understanding Measure (PLUM) and the Hearing and Talking Scale (HATS) in collaboration with Aboriginal health and early education services.

PLUM and HATS is a simple checklist tool, which helps to see whether your bub is on track with their listening and talking skills.

The free tools are designed for health and childcare workers to use, with extra information available for parents and families too, including tips on listening and yarning skills for children aged 0-5 years.

The assessments take 10 - 15 minutes and can be done as part of an annual health check, or when there are concerns about ear trouble.

If you are worried about your child’s listening or talking at any time, tell your health or early childhood carer and ask for a PLUM and HATS check.

Find out more

For more information, visit Hear. Listen. Yarn. or talk to your health or childcare worker.

The PLUM and HATS tools are supported by the Australian Government, as part of a $30 million investment to reduce the long-term effects of ear disease in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.

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