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Aboriginals Benefit Account open for funding applications

28 Jul 2020

Media release - Minister Wyatt

Indigenous organisations in the Northern Territory seeking funding for projects to improve the lives of Aboriginal people are invited to apply for grants in the latest Aboriginals Benefit Account (ABA) round.

The ABA is a special account established under the Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976 based on royalties received from mining operations on Aboriginal land.

Funding from the account is provided to Aboriginal organisations for projects that have a lasting impact on the community and that may not be eligible for funding through other Government schemes.

Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, said many businesses and projects have been the beneficiaries of ABA funding over the years.

“ABA funding helps build enterprises, support communities, promote culture, language and leadership initiatives and empower Aboriginal people to manage and use their land, sea and waters,” Minister Wyatt said.

“Twice a year, in each ABA round, I’m impressed with the many proposals for activities and projects that make a tangible difference in the community.

“I encourage all Aboriginal people in the NT to bring their ideas forward so we can continue delivering quality outcomes and Aboriginal money back into Aboriginal hands.”

Eligible applications will be assessed by the ABA Advisory Committee before a list of recommended projects is presented to the Minister for Indigenous Australians for consideration.

To find out more about the funding round and how to apply, visit the National Indigenous Australians Agency website.

Applications close 18 September 2020.

Find out more

Visit the Minister's website to view the original media release.

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