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Minister Scullion: Investment in suicide prevention in Halls Creek/Tjurabalan

28 Mar 2014

The Australian Government is supporting efforts to reduce suicide in Indigenous communities in the Halls Creek/Tjurabalan region with funding of $300,000 to the Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Council.

The funding, from the Community Development Fund, will support the Suicide Prevention Service and will also create employment, with 10 Indigenous people to be employed on the project.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, and the Member for Durack Melissa Price said today a key priority for the Government was to help reduce incidents of self-harm and suicide among Indigenous people.

“The Community Development Fund provides funding to organisations to deliver projects that support social and economic development and participation in remote communities such as this project in Halls Creek,” Minister Scullion said.

“The fund assists service providers, employers and community organisations to deliver rewarding community activities and create new jobs.”

Ms Price said the project in Halls Creek will benefit local Indigenous residents by building the capacity, skills and resilience of individuals and communities to help reduce incidents of self-harm and suicide, and respond to crisis events in a timely and professional manner.

“The project is intended to develop community residents as community facilitators so that trained people in local communities are able to respond to incidents of suicide and self-harm in the future,” Ms Price said.

“The Abbott Government is working with the community on the serious issue of suicide.”

Find out more

Helping to reduce incidents of self-harm and suicide among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is a key priority for the Australian Government.

Visit Minister Scullion’s website to access this media release.

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