New program to fund research into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander criminal justice
News articleThe national Indigenous Justice Research Program (IJRP) has been established today as part of the Morrison Government’s commitment to the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.
Statement on Aunty Lynette Shipway
News articleWe are saddened to hear of the recent passing of Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH) Chairperson, Aunty Lynette (Lyn) Shipway.
Indigenous Christmas Card Competition opens for all young students
News articleThe National Indigenous Australians Agency’s annual Christmas card competition is now open for primary school students across the country.
Kimberley vaccination rollout gets $150,000 injection for Vaxathons
News articleThe Morrison Government is providing an additional $150,000 to help local health services deliver additional Vaxathons in the Kimberley region.
New Indigenous business hub for Darwin
News articleFollowing the success of Indigenous business and employment hubs in Western Sydney, Perth and Adelaide, the Hub network is expanding into Darwin, NT.