New resources to support COVID-19 vaccination
News articleAccess free resources to encourage your mob to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Booster doses of the COVID-19 vaccine
News articleBooster doses of the COVID-19 vaccines are recommended for people aged 18 and over in Australia.
Anindilyakwa children to walk in both worlds at new boarding school
News articleThe Anindilyakwa people in the Groote Archipelago will benefit from a new boarding school to be built on Bickerton Island.
Cancellation of Awards Ceremony for the National NAIDOC Awards 2021
News articleThe 2021 National NAIDOC Award winners will now be announced online and in conjunction with our media partners and key stakeholders.
Getting proof of your COVID-19 vaccination
News articleFind out the best way to get proof of your COVID-19 vaccinations.