New resources to support COVID-19 vaccination
Access free resources to encourage your mob to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
A variety of resources are available for free to support you and your community to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
For all of us
A new campaign encouraging COVID-19 vaccination features some of our most talented mob such as Baker Boy, Samantha Harris, William Barton, Tori-Jay Mordey, Amanda Reid and Nornie Bero.
More reasons
Some of our friends and family may be hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine for many reasons. However, this video from the Department of Health shows that there are lots of reasons to get the jab.
Many people often have questions about COVID-19 vaccination. Take a look at some of the common questions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples or have a yarn with your local healthcare worker.
There is also misinformation in the community about COVID-19 and the vaccine. The eSafety commission has advice to help you identify misinformation and how you can report it. Please also check out a suite of fact-checked social content resources about COVID-19 vaccines.
In Language Resources
COVID-19 vaccination video resources are available in 15 languages from the YouTube channel.
There are also in-language resources available from the Department of Health.
Mental Health
There are many organisations to help you stay mentally healthy and strong during coronavirus.
Head to Health has a variety of resources and links to trusted sources of social and emotional wellbeing information.
Gayaa Dhuwi (Proud Spirit) has culturally appropriate resources and advice to help you keep well during COVID-19 as well as a list of support phone numbers.
Clinical Resources
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander vaccine provider resources include materials for providers to download, print or use in their health clinics and practices. These materials include posters, social media resources, handouts and web banners.
NACCHO has Updates and Information COVID-19 Primary Healthcare Guidance to assist healthcare teams to support COVID-19 prevention and management.
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Group on COVID-19 advises the Australian Government’s Department of Health on culturally appropriate ways to protect Indigenous communities from the spread of COVID-19. You can read more about their work in their latest communiques.
Find out more
All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 12 years and over can receive the COVID-19 vaccination.
You need 2 doses of vaccine to be fully protected.
You can book a vaccine by using the COVID-19 vaccine clinic finder or calling your local Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service.