Indigenous education support helps local kids become legends
StoryEighteen-year-old Indigenous student Jamaine Crossley is a living legend in his community after becoming the first in his family to finish Year 12 and be accepted into tertiary study, with the support of the Australian Government’s Learn Earn Legend! programme.
Apunipima midwives win scholarship
StoryFive midwives from North Queensland’s Apunipima Cape York Health Council have been given an opportunity to get a Postgraduate Certificate in screening, diagnostics, pharmacology and prescribing for midwives.
Ambassadors spread the HPV vaccination message
StoryAward winning country music singer Troy Cassar Daley and Yamba’s Playtime host Jacinta Price are lending their support to the Australian Government’s National Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Programme.
Gotta Go!
StoryGetting children to school is the Australian Government’s number one priority for Indigenous people. That’s because going to school and being at school every day gives every child the best chance for a good start in life.
New store management a success for Beagle Bay
StoryBeagle Bay Store on the Dampier Peninsula of Western Australia is under new management, providing employment opportunities and a bigger variety of fresh food for the local community.