Managing fire in the Kimberley and sharing that knowledge with the world
StoryUsing ‘right way’ fire management Indigenous rangers and traditional owners across the North Kimberley, help toreduce greenhouse gas emissions benefit the environment, support continuity of traditional knowledge and develop carbon businesses.
2017 Australian Public Service Indigenous Graduate Program – Applications open now!
StoryApplications are open now for the 2017 Australian Public Service (APS) Indigenous Graduate Program.
CommunityMutitjulu is situated near Uluru within the Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, 470km southwest by road from Alice Springs.
Aboriginal rangers weeding out the weeds
StoryAboriginal rangers in the Murray-Darling Basin are a key to keeping the environment in good shape and are undertaking training in bush regeneration.
Nallawilli helping communities connect
StoryIndigenous-owned and run business Nallawilli Technology has launched the Community Connect initiative, helping regional and remote communities to deal with the challenges related to health care, education, and family assistance through existing technology.