Marcus Corowa spreads NAIDOC message through music
StoryHaving played the guitar since he was six years old, singer-songwriter Marcus Corowa is using his talent to share his stories across Australia, including performing at a number of NAIDOC events in 2013.
Our health in our hands with new NACCHO app
StoryThe chair of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) Justin Mohamed recently joined with the AFL Indigenous All Stars team to launch Australia’s first Aboriginal Health app.
Permission to shine: Hope Vale Indigenous Knowledge and Technology Centre
StoryIn Hopevale, the Indigenous Knowledge and Technology Centre has become a window to the world for the small, far north Queensland community. See more in the video story.
The voice of Umbakumba
StorySituated on Groote Eylandt in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Umbakumba is small and remote, and for many, Radio Umbakumba is their only link to the outside world.
Community jobs through Dharpa Djama
StoryDharpa Djama woodwork apprentice Njila Yakubu talks about his job and his community of Gunyangara in this Closing the Gap video story.