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Minister Brandis: $45.5 million for Indigenous Visual Arts, Languages and Culture

27 Aug 2014

I am pleased to announce that the Australian Government will provide $45.5 million to activities that will support and enrich Australia's unique Indigenous cultures.

This funding will support 86 Indigenous visual art organisations, 51 Indigenous languages activities, 83 culture activities and more than 570 jobs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

An extension of funding and continued funding through multiyear agreements will be provided through the Indigenous Visual Arts Industry Support (IVAIS), the Indigenous Languages Support (ILS) and Indigenous Culture Support (ICS) programs and the Indigenous Employment Initiative (IEI).

The IVAIS program will deliver $10.2 million in operational funding for the network of more than 80 Indigenous-owned art centres and a number of service organisations across Australia, including many in very remote areas. The funding will support activities that contribute to professional arts practice and strengthen the Indigenous visual arts sector.

Through the ILS program, $8.8 million will go to community-based activities for the maintenance, revival, transmission and promotion of Australia's Indigenous languages. In particular, this funding continues the Government's ongoing support for First Languages Australia and the Resource Network for Linguistic Diversity.

More than $21.4 million from the IEI will be used to employ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in 124 remote and regional arts and culture organisations. This funding supports visual arts and languages activities by employing Indigenous Australians as arts workers, gallery assistants, cultural administrators, languages assistants and mentors.

Through the ICS program, $5.1 million will support 83 cultural activities throughout Australia to continue the development, maintenance and transmission of contemporary Indigenous cultural expression.

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