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Attorney-General Brandis: Native Title Officer Funding Scheme: 2017 round now open

24 Nov 2016

The Native Title Officer Funding Scheme, which assists respondents in native title proceedings with the costs of engaging a native title officer, is now open.

Native title officers help a range of groups including pastoralists, commercial fishers, miners and local government to engage with native title claims and better understand native title issues.

This scheme plays a critical role in expediting native title claim resolution, benefiting the courts, claimants and respondents.

Grants of up to $25,000 will be available to peak industry bodies and other organisations that employ or are seeking to employ, native title officers. Grant recipients must match Commonwealth funding on at least a dollar for dollar basis.

Applications close on 2 December 2016 and successful recipients will be announced in early 2017.

More information on how to apply is available at the Attorney-General's Department website.

Find out more

To view this media release, please visit the Attorney-General's website.

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