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Knowledge Keys

6 Dec 2016 to 17 Dec 2016
Adelaide SA

Knowledge Keys is the passing on of knowledge, history, life journeys, personal stories and challenges. With the wisdom of the Elders, the life experience is handed down by senior community members with the young participants of Kurruru Youth Performing Art’s Dance Ensemble.

This project explores and represents the commonalities and cross-over experiences shared between the young and old – resilience, racism and clear positive messages about identity and pride – where age carries no barrier.


  • Thurs 15 Dec - Opening Night - 6.30pm to 7.30pm
  • Fri 16 Dec - Evening Performance - 6.30pm to 7.30pm
  • Sat 17 Dec - Matinee Performance - 1pm to 2pm

Knowledge Keys is supported by Arts South Australia.

This is a Free Event.

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Event Details

6 Dec 2016 to 17 Dec 2016
Tandanya National Aboriginal Cultural Institute Kaurna Country
253 Grenfell Street
Adelaide SA 5000

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