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Communities team up to teach job seekers new skills

Mutitjulu CDP participant Dion.jpg

Mutitjulu CDP participant Dion
Mutitjulu CDP participant Dion Hogan joining up the hose on the new irrigation system at Imanpa sports oval.
19 Nov 2015

Driving three hours across the desert to dig a 520 metre irrigation trench may not sound like a fun task, but for Dion Hogan it was a great opportunity to work side-by-side with family.

A Community Development Programme (CDP) participant from the remote Northern Territory community of Mutitjulu, Dion was part of the team who travelled to Imanpa to work with local CDP participants there to install a watering system and bubbler at the sports oval.

“It is good for us to go and help with the oval at Imanpa,” Dion said.

“Our families like to see us all working together and when it is time they will come to help Mutitjulu with our oval.”

The project was organised by CDP provider Anangu Jobs, in collaboration with McDonnell Regional Council at Imanpa.

“It is good to have Anangu Jobs to help us and to let us work with family,” Dion said.

CDP focuses on preparing job seekers for employment by involving them in work-like activities that benefit the community.

The second part of the project will be to plant the trees and shrubs that are being propagated and cultivated in the Anangu Nursery at Mutitjulu.

Anangu Jobs has also planned similar CDP activities for other communities in the region.

Find out more

The Australian Government’s Community Development Programme (CDP) is creating better opportunities for job seekers in remote Australia and strengthening remote economies.

To find out about CDP activities in your area, contact your local Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet Regional Network office.

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