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Minister Scullion: New community store for Bulman

15 Oct 2015

A new community store has opened today at Bulman, 300 kilometres north-east of Katherine,  funded by a $4.4 million grant from the Aboriginals Benefit Account (ABA).

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, congratulated the Bulman community and Gulin Gulin Community Store which was officially opened by traditional owner Lazarus Murray.

“Improving access to fresh fruit and vegetables and healthy food options is important to address many of the health issues in remote communities. This store, along with better retail and pricing strategies, will mean more fruit, more vegetables and less sugary drinks,” Minister Scullion said.

“The Bulman store is a purpose-designed building that has much greater dry and cold store capacity, enabling a more reliable supply of food over the wet season when the community can be cut-off from road deliveries for months.

“An improved retail area with a back-loading chiller and freezer and new display shelving will allow community members to shop for a wider range of food and other commodities.

“The store is visible from the Central Arnhem Highway so tourists and others making the long trip from Katherine to Nhulunbuy in the dry season will be attracted to call in to purchase supplies and fuel.

“I am pleased Roper Gulf Regional Council engaged with the contractor early and arranged for 24 local jobseekers to complete nationally-accredited training, resulting in the employment of 17 local Indigenous residents on the project,” Minister Scullion said.

ABA Advisory Committee Chair, Patricia Brahim, said Bulman residents have waited a long time for the store which she says provides employment opportunities, increases the availability of fresh food and keeps costs low.

Find out more

Visit the Minister's website to view this media release.

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