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Minister Scullion: Appointments to ILC and IBA boards

8 Oct 2015

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, today announced changes to the Board of the Indigenous Land Corporation to replace four expiring appointments.

The Minister said the Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC) is an important organisation needed to advance economic, environmental, social and cultural outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their communities.

“I take these appointments very seriously and have selected the most capable people to take the ILC forward,” he said.

“I look forward to working with the Board and help it focus on its important purpose of working for our First Australians.”

Minister Scullion said that current Director, Ms Lisa Gay, had been appointed Deputy Chair of the organisation for one year, effective from 20 October 2015.

“I also announce that Ms Patricia Crossin and Mr Bruce Martin will be Directors for four years and Ms Tanya Hosch and Mr Anthony Ashby, Directors for three years, also from 20 October 2015,” the Minister said.

“Ms Crossin is a former Senator for the Northern Territory with much of her public life dedicated to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

“Mr Martin is a Wik man from Cape York who brings direct experience in agribusiness as well chairing the Economic Development committee of the Indigenous Advisory Council.

“Ms Hosch is a Torres Strait Islander woman and Joint Campaign Director for Recognise.

“Mr Ashby is a Gamilaraay-Yuwaalaraay man from north-western New South Wales, a Chartered Accountant, Registered Company Auditor and as the current Deputy Chair of Indigenous Business Australia will be able to help increase collaboration between these organisations.”

Mr Edward Fry had earlier been appointed Chair of the Indigenous Land Corporation effective from 20 October 2015. He is currently also Chair of Indigenous Business Australia.

The Minister thanked the outgoing Deputy Chair of the Indigenous Land Corporation, Mr Ian Trust and Directors, Mr Graham Atkinson, Mr Neil Westbury and Ms Olga Havnen for their work.

He also announced that Ms Claire Woodley had been reappointed as an Indigenous Business Australia Director for three years, effective from 22 October 2015.

“Ms Woodley has done a great job on the Board of Indigenous Business Australia to date,” he said.

“Her business and corporate expertise has been a great asset as Indigenous Business Australia continues to innovate under the stewardship of Mr Edward Fry to help more First Australians buy their own homes, own their own businesses and invest in commercial ventures.”

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Visit the Minister's website to view this media release.

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