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Minister Scullion: Edward Fry appointed as new Chairperson of ILC

5 Aug 2015

Mr Edward Fry, an Indigenous Australian with extensive experience in the resources sector and current Chairperson of Indigenous Business Australia (IBA), has been appointed Chairperson of the Indigenous Land Corporation (ILC) for a three-year period, effective from Tuesday 20 October 2015.

Minister for Indigenous Affairs, Nigel Scullion, said Mr Fry’s appointment would allow the ILC to drive a strong economic development agenda for the benefit of Indigenous Australians.

“Mr Fry is best placed to forge even stronger links between the Indigenous Land Corporation, Indigenous Business Australia and other Indigenous organisations,” Minister Scullion said.

“These relationships are essential to creating opportunities for Indigenous economic development.

“Mr Fry has extensive experience in financial and human resource management as well as Indigenous training and employment and is a specialist in Indigenous and Native Title issues.”

Minister Scullion said the ILC has the purpose of assisting Indigenous people to acquire and manage land to achieve economic, environmental, social and cultural benefits.

“I am announcing Mr Fry’s appointment well in advance of him commencing his term, to allow discussions with Mr Fry about several other Board appointments which also commence in October,” he said. 

“It also allows time for a smooth transition and for Mr Fry to be ready to start work from 20 October 2015 to maximise his input into securing successful outcomes for Indigenous Australians from the ILC’s land holdings and jobs programme.”

Minister Scullion thanked the departing ILC Chair, Dr Dawn Casey.

“Dr Casey has a strong commitment to improving outcomes for Indigenous Australians, and I want to thank her for her work as Chairperson since 2011,” he said.

Find out more

Visit the Minister's website to view this media release along the employment biography of Mr Edward Fry.

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