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March 2015 Labour Market Assistance Outcomes Report released

20 Jul 2015

The March 2015 Labour Market Assistance Outcomes report for the Indigenous Employment Programme has now been released. This report relates to outcomes for job seekers who were assisted in the year ending 31 December 2014 with outcomes measured three months later (i.e. in the year ending 31 March 2015).

The Labour Market assistance Outcomes report publishes the key outcomes data for the Indigenous Employment Programme every three months.

From 1 July 2014 the Indigenous Employment Programme was replaced by the Jobs, Land and Economy Programme (JLEP) as part of the Australian Government’s Indigenous Advancement Strategy. The JLEP supports adults into work, fosters Indigenous business and assists Indigenous people to generate economic and social benefits from the effective use of their land.

Access a copy of the report here.

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