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Minister Abetz: pakana services celebrates one year

29 Apr 2015

Leader of the Government in the Senate, Senator Eric Abetz, today visited Aboriginal enterprise pakana services in Tolosa Park, Tasmania.

pakana services is a social enterprise that provides work and training for Indigenous people in natural resource management, and agriculture. pakana currently employs eight part-time Aboriginal people.

Senator Abetz said the value of pakana was two-fold; it provided opportunities to Tasmanians, specifically within the Tasmanian Aboriginal community and delivered land management services that benefit the Southern Tasmanian region.

“pakana has provided opportunities for fellow Tasmanians, some of whom had been long term unemployed, and has trained them in this important area.

“The team at pakana have worked on some valuable projects including the Federally funded North Bruny Revegetation and Restoration Biodiversity Fund Project and I look forward to seeing this valuable work continue to benefit the community, staff and indeed the natural habitat.”

pakana services was established by NRM South with the assistance of more than $200,000 in Federal funding since 2010.

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